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Hue Puruwai

These are also shakers made from larger hue, with their seed still intact.  When played, the puruwai sounds like a bubbling stream.

Taonga Pūoro: Poi Āwhioawhio

Poi Āwhiowhio

This is a whistling gourd. They are swung on a cord (similar to the playing of the purerehua) and create a gentle, soft whistling sound.

Taonga Pūoro: Hue Rarā

Hue Rarā

With the seeds inside the hue, this is a shaker or rattle. Hue can be carved or painted in beautiful kowhaiwhai patterns and can be decorated with feathers and harakeke.

Taonga Pūoro: Hue Puruhau

Hue Puruhau

These are large hue with the seeds removed. The neck is cut off and the sound comes from blowing over the top to create a vibrant bass sound.

Taonga Pūoro: Kōauau Ponga Ihu

Kōauau Ponga Ihu

This is globular flute played with the nose. It is made from the hue/gourd.

Small gourd with top removed and two small holes. Blowing across the top with one nostril produces flute-like sound. This has a sweet sound.